
This website displays the portfolio of roles, work and activities that I have had the sincere privilege and honour to partake in General Practice. Having worked as a Frontline NHS worker for 27 years and as a NHS General Practice Partner for 23 years, I always felt a calling to show the dynamic career that General Practice offers.

NHS General Practice provides hugely enjoyable and rewarding careers. You will have the privilege of being able to provide relational continuity of care to your patients. Managing complex multi-comorbidity, making accurate diagnoses from undifferentiated illness presentations, and working as part of your Primary Care Network multi-disciplinary team, being the core of your daily clinical practice activities. Additionally, there are a number diverse roles that you can try whilst being a GP, these provide significant opportunities to develop professionally. Sometimes being a GP can be very stressful however, and at these moments you must reach out for support to colleagues, friends and family.

I am very grateful to my team at my clinics for the exceptional commitment they have, to provide compassionate and holistic primary care. I am grateful for the support of my co-authors of the research papers that I have published, and also the amazing colleagues that I have worked with in commissioning organisations in Ealing and NW London. With the sincere support that I have received in my career, I have been able to push beyond the comfort zone and challenge my self continually, and I have always encouraged fellow colleagues to do the same. provides excellent resources on General Practice as a career.

I am available on if you have any questions and are an A level or Medical Student, or a Doctor contemplating a career in NHS General Practice.